Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Portfolio - Improvement

Over the past two years I have improved my academic skills drastically. My writing skills before high school were okay, but I knew that I needed more improvement. My writing skills now are better than they were because now I know how to add details, use grammar properly, and use more advanced words to make my writing more interesting. Before I started high school I read books, but I don't read books anymore. The only books I read are the text books that we use in the classrooms. My reading skills haven't improved because I stopped reading books. My speaking skills were not good before high school, but they have improved. Now my speaking skills have changed and I don't use inappropriate language anymore. Before I became a freshmen in high school I didn't use technology. Now that I'm in high school I use technology for almost everything I do. In order to continue advancing my academic skills I plan to keep going to school and focus on my education. I also plan to be open to learning new and different strategies to advance my education.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Portfolio - Future

My future looks very bright in my opinion because I have good grades and i'm making good choices for myself. I want to graduate high school, go to SDSU, study business and go to cosmotology school. I want to study business and go to cosmotology school to try and make my own make up business. In order for this to happen I need to keep doing good in school and focus on not procrascinating. To achieve my goals I will need some support from family and myself so that I don't procrascinate and give up. I believe that I will achieve my goal because when I set a goal I push myself until I achieve it and not give up.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Playwrights Project Play Performance Paragraph

Today when the Playwrights actors came to act parts of our plays I felt amazed, very touched, and fascinated. I was amazed at how well the actors acted out the plays and it was their first time reading the plays. I was so touched because some of the plays were very sad and were based on life experiences some of my peers have gone through. Some of the people in the audience were very emotional when the plays were being acted and that shows that the plays were well written. I was so fascinated because the plays were so good and had many emotions. This was a great experience for me because it was great to sit and listen to plays that were based on real stories. I really enjoyed the plays, the actors, and the Playwrights Project.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

End of Year Reflection – Greatest High School Achievement

Over the past two years of high school I have made many achievements, but my biggest achievement was earning a 4.0 GPA for third quarter. I was given an award and two hundred dollars at my school assembly. I knew I had a 4.0 GPA because I check my grades often, but when I received my award and the money I felt very proud of myself because I had achieved a goal I had set for myself. Earning a 4.o was a great accomplishment for me because I tried my best and pushed myself to the best of my abilities. One of my teachers Mr.Walker, put me to the test to see if I could get a 4.0 and I was able to achieve. Earning a 4.0 GPA changed me because I know that I can accomplish anything I want, all I need to do is trust in myself and push myself to get what I want.