Monday, June 6, 2011

Portfolio - Future

My future looks very bright in my opinion because I have good grades and i'm making good choices for myself. I want to graduate high school, go to SDSU, study business and go to cosmotology school. I want to study business and go to cosmotology school to try and make my own make up business. In order for this to happen I need to keep doing good in school and focus on not procrascinating. To achieve my goals I will need some support from family and myself so that I don't procrascinate and give up. I believe that I will achieve my goal because when I set a goal I push myself until I achieve it and not give up.


  1. It's a great thing that you are able to push yourself. It shows a lot of maturity, Great job on your post and good luck.

  2. I think you'll do great Amy, your already doing good. I expect great things from you Amy :)

  3. If you keep to your philosophy their is no reason to fail. Keep up the good work and I hope you achieve your dreams.

  4. That is a very great school you will attend. We have the same dreams because that is my dream school.

  5. I know you will do great Amy. You have so much potential, confidence, and so much more. Keep up the great work, maybe in the future somewhere you can do my makeup some day.

  6. Great goals, and I agree with most of these comments if you just set your mind to something it is very easy for you specifically to accomplish things.
