Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Fourth Quarter Goals

My greatest achievement from last quarter was working hard and getting a 4.0 gpa. In order to achive this I had to do several things. First, I had to stay on task and not get distracted in class and when I did my homework. Second, I had to so all my classwork and my homework and making sure it was above grade level. Third, I had to check my grades to make sure I wasn't missing any assigments and if I was I made them up.

My goal for fourth quarter is the same as my goal for third quarter, to get a 4.0 gpa. In order to achieve my goal I would have to do the following

•Do all my class work and homework at above grade level.

•Stay focused and study

•Check to see if I have missing assignments to make up •Stay positive and encourage myself

This last quarter of sophomore year I plan to end the year feeling proud of myself that I achieved my goals.

Blog Comments

Friday, March 18, 2011

WHat I Learned Third Quarter English 10

Please click on the link below to view a job blog of my learning.
Third Quarter Jog Blog

Thursday, March 17, 2011

“Where Have You Gone, Charming Billy?” Narrative

It was a dark night and I was walking with twenty six other men in a single line, being as quiet as a cricket so enemies couldn't hear us. Most of the soldiers in my platoon were exhausted from the long march, but were anxious to get to the sea where we would be safe and away from danger. It was my first day at the war and anxiety and fright was running through my body. I kept imagining myself back at home with my father, but when I opened my eyes I was back in the dark jungle risking my life. The men told me a story of how Billy Boy Watkins died of a heart attack. Fright took over me and I started laughing hysterically not because it was funny that Billy Boy Watkins died of a heart attack, but because I was afraid. I felt like I would never get use to being in the war and having to risk my life and live surrounded by thousands of miles of water that protected the men and I from enemies.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What I Learned in the Third Quarter of English 10

Third quarter English 10 with Ms.Priester has been very easy. I have learned many different things that I knew and other things that were totally new to me. The first thing that I learned about was symbolism and allegory, which were very easy concepts to learn about because I was familiar with them already. I also learned things about poetry and we had to make a presentation, which was very exciting. The next things I learned about was imagery and figurative language. Both of those concepts were also very easy because I was familiar with them and the projects were easy as well. The next things I learned about were primary and secondary sources. That was incredibly easy because those concepts were simple. This quarter has been very easy and I am glad that I was able to learn new things and review other so that I don't forget them.

Friday, March 11, 2011

“Where Have You Gone, Charming Billy?” Breaking News

Breaking News!

In Vietnam, a very sad and unfortunate event has occured, Billy Boy Watkins, a Vietman soldier has died from a heart attack on April 13, 1968 at the age of 21. He was terrified because his foot was blown off from a land mine and he thought he was going to die. The stress and fear caused a minor heart attack which unfortunalty was the cause of his death. The time of his death was 4:32 a.m, it was shock to his family and friends. He was a strong and courageous soldier and will always be honored and remembered.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

CAHSEE Reflection

Today I took the CAHSEE and I feel like I passed it. At first I was very nervous because I had to take the test and I had a major headache. I was trying to write my essay and my head felt like it was pounding and it felt really hot, but I still managed to write it. The multiple choice questions were very easy, but it was alot of reading. I was extremely bored because I hate reading, but some of the stories were actually interesting. I have a good feeling that I passed the English portion of the CAHSEE eventhough it was very boring and felt like I was testing forever.

Monday, March 7, 2011

“Where Have You Gone, Charming Billy?” Enlist Paragraph

When I turn 18 years old, I would not enlist in the military for various reasons. The first reason I wouldn't enlist is because I wouldn't want to risk my life and die at a very young age. Thge military has different good things to offer, but at the same time people are risking their lives and never know if they will come back alive from war. Another reason I wouldn't enlist is because I am afraid that I will die and not get to say goodbye to my family and they will have to suffer. The last reason I wouldn't enlist is because I agree that war and killing is the way to make peace, it just causes more rivalry and hate against people. If I got drafted I would go because I wouldn't want to be incarcerated and serve time in jail.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Primary and Secondary Sources Comparison

Primary and secondary sources are similar because they are both resources where people get their information from. Primary sources are origional, first hand account of an event. Some examples of primary resources are autobiographies, letters, personal essays, and speeches. Secondary resources are a second hand account written by a writer who did not participate directly in the events. Some example of secondary resources are biographies, reference books, history books and magazine articles. Primary and secondary resources are helpful because they give facts and important information.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Feelings about the CAHSEE

Stressed and overwhelmed is how I feel about the CAHSEE, but at the same time i feel prepared. I have been going to the afterschool math meetings and I it has helped me remember some strategies. By practicing writing essays in class has also helped me and I feel like I am going to pass the test. I am stressed because I know I need to focus in school but at the same time remember things I learned these past years. I am overwhelmed because I hate taking tests and just the idea of test makes me become overwhelmed. Eventhough I hate testa and feel stressed and overwhelmed I know that I am going to do great. I am going to put forth effort and not give up because I know that I am prepared for this.

“CAHSEE Practice: Change the World Essay – Completed Graphic Organizer