Friday, January 7, 2011

Third Quarter Goals

Third quarter I want to get a 4.0 GPA or at least all A’s and one B. To achieve my goal I would have to study for my test and just study to gain more knowledge. Another thing I would have to do to achieve my goal is stay focused and if I need help on any assignment I will ask for help. I will also try harder and push myself to do outstanding work, not just okay work but work that deserves an A. Third quarter I will not give up or procrastinate and get my entire work done.


  1. I think you can get a 4.0 you got this ha.

  2. You are a very smart, creative person and you will reach your goal.

  3. You can do it Amy all it takes is hard work.

  4. Nice goals I know you can achieve them all because you have already achieved most of them.
